Grantit | 全方位理財App | 一站式智能分析及財務管理
2025-01-29 14:12Our Products. We strive to be Hong Kong first one-stop financial planner, combing expense tracking with personalised offers. Also being Hong Kong first TU-free lending app.
Apply online with Grantit mobile app! 02. Speedy Approval. Get approved in as fast as 15 minutes, with cash in hand in an average of 28 minutes. 03. For Everyone. Open to all Hong Kong permanent residents over the age of 18. 04. Does Not Affect Credit Score. We do not read your credit report**. Apply with us and maintain your credit record for ...
Grantit - 【Grantit 小額貸款點申請?】想借少少錢,只要喺Grantit App...
【Grantit 小額貸款點申請?】想借少少錢,只要喺Grantit App 內交齊文件,毋須現身,批定唔批都係喺App 內通知,免TU 唔會影響個人信貸評級! 首先輸入您想借嘅總金額,填寫您覺得自己每月還得起嘅金額 ,並選擇您需要借錢嘅原因 輸入個人資料,上載相關文件作核實身份及審批之用...