
    2025-01-30 09:52

    PQE全称 Post-Qualification Experience,代表正式执业后的年限。律师的发展方向就比较明确了,从培训生(Trainee)到合格律师(Newly Qualified - NQ,就是刚刚执业),然后就开始一年级生涯,从此慢慢累积你的PQE,一般按照一年或半年来计算。

    pqe 律師

    律师(争议解决/诉讼)2-5年pqe | 英国杰昂律师事务所

    Jackson & Lyon LLP是一家专业律师事务所,由具有多年经验的律师创立,主要专注于诉讼,商业和移民法。. 我们业务的一个主要重点是为英国和国际上的高净值个人、家族办公室、中小企业、企业家、投资者和商业客户提供服务。. 我们公司在为东亚投资者和国际 ...

    What does PQE stand for and how important is it to law firms?

    PQE stands for 'Post-Qualified Experience', and is usually given in years or half years for solicitors and also for legal executives as well. For example, if a solicitor was admitted to the Roll in England and Wales in September 2005, he/she would have 5 years PQE by September 2010. It usually refers to every year a solicitor holds a ...

    Overseas Lawyers Qualification Examination ("the Examination")

    When you apply to sit the Examination, you have to provide documentary evidence to verify that you were properly authorised by the relevant authority in jurisdiction B to practise the law of jurisdiction A as a qualified legal practitioner based on your legal qualification acquired in jurisdiction A.

    PDF Law firm salary guide Hong Kong

    Level (PQE) Annual salary (USD/annum) Consultant 140,000-190,000 1st year 215,000 2nd year 225,000 3rd year 250,000 4th year 295,000 5th year 345,000 6th year 370,000 7th year 400,000 8th year 415,000 Counsel 420,000+ Salaried Partner 430,000+ Level (PQE) Annual salary (HKD/monthly) NQ 93,000-100,000 1PQE 100,000-105,000 2PQE 105,000-115,000 ...

    Is it Time to Put PQE to Bed? | Law.com International

    Is it Time to Put PQE to Bed? 'PQE confines us', says LOD's head of care and development, Grace Strutton. Is it Time to Put PQE (measuring lawyers by number of post-qualification years of ...

    讀Law後 可以做香港的企業法律顧問嗎 (in house legal counsel)?

    1. Legal counsel. 真正意義上的企業法律顧問,掌管企業的法律部門。. 叫得Counsel (律師), 必須是執業律師。. 一般來說最少2年PQE (PQE即執業後)。. 如果Senior counsel更通常7-9 PQE。. MNC 與 FI (金融機構)普遍要求candidate於國際大行有Corporate Finance執業經驗。. 收入大約 ...


    PQE律师不是独立的职业资格,而是一种职业经验的量化指标,也可视为律师升级的一种方式。. PQE律师的等级通常与工作经验相关,考虑的因素包括执业时间、案件经验、客户接触等。. 不同地区或机构可能具有不同的PQE律师等级标准及要求,有些甚至可能会要求 ...

    What's the 'Best' Level of PQE to Make a Move as a Private Practice ...

    1. They are not being remunerated at the top of the market for the hours they are working. 2. There's no clear career progression/path to partnership in their current team. 3. Not getting the work they want and enough of it to have the responsibility they need to progress in line with peers.

    FAQs | Singapore Academy of Law - SAL

    A Senior Accredited Specialist is a more experienced legal practitioner with at least 10 years' PQE who has been deemed by SAL to possess the necessary knowledge and skills to handle front-end and/or litigation work of greater complexity in a specialised area of law. They have dedicated a good proportion of their practice to this specialisation.

    Solicitor - Legal Cheek

    Solicitor. A brief overview to a career as a solicitor. Once a trainee has completed their training contract (or two-year period of qualifying work experience), and "provided they meet the ...

    NZ Lawyers: how to prepare your profile for an overseas (London) move

    Law firms will use "PQE" as the barometer of experience. PQE means years of "post qualification experience". On job adverts you'll often see PQE referred to when denoting the level of lawyer, a firm is looking for, e.g. Associate 2 - 4 years PQE. This means an Associate who has worked at a law firm for at least two years after their ...

    律師人工 - 法律 Law - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk - 香討.香港 No.1

    律師的收入是看pqe,律師行類型,及法律範疇。如果有5年pqe有6萬一個月都好正常,如果1年pqe己經有6萬一個月,絕對是勁!! 派糖. 回覆 ...

    外地律师 | The Law Society of Hong Kong

    1. Rule 5 of the Foreign Lawyers Registration Rules provides that when an applicant with less than 2 years of post-qualification experience in the full-time practice of foreign law applies for registration as a Foreign Lawyer, he is required to be supervised irrespective of whether he works in a foreign firm or a Hong Kong law firm.: 2. Circular 10-66 (SD) provides the following guidelines:

    Sqe | Solicitor Qualifying Exam - Abr

    What is the Solicitors Qualifying Examination. (SQE)? The SQE stands for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination. It is a new assessment, which all solicitors will be required to take before they are accepted as a qualified English solicitor. The SQE is split into two parts - SQE1 and SQE2. Learn More.

    Kevin Ng & Co. Solicitors 吳建華律師行 Salary 收入

    Kevin Ng & Co. Solicitors 吳建華律師行 Salary 收入. "Trainee Solicitor (年資 Years of experience:0年 / Fresh Grad): 月收入 Monthly Income Trainee 1: Around HK $22,000 - 25,000, depends on qualifications" - Anonymous - 24.3.2019.

    點樣先可以做到金融界嘅律師? | Lihkg 討論區

    EO邊有得同律師比啊,跳point都慢過律師加薪啦。DOJ係幾好就真。 連登會員一個 2020-03-03 18:59:08. 當EOII做咗7年act EOI 60k有個月 local firm律師做7年 (PQE 5年) 唔好彩都未必一定高過60k ...

    知乎专栏 - 随心写作,自由表达 - 知乎

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

    Solicitor pqe jobs - Oct 2023 | JobsDB

    Browse and apply over 17 Solicitor pqe jobs on JobsDB Hong Kong. Create job alert to receive latest Solicitor pqe jobs. New jobs everyday means new opportunities. Don't miss out!

    香港律師行 | The Law Society of Hong Kong

    詐騙警報:律師會不時收到關於在虛假的律師行信箋使用偽造的律師行或律師/外地律師的資料,或發放虛假聯繫方式的詐騙網站、電子郵件或其他通訊手段的報告。. 這些詐騙報告的列表可以在律師會的 詐騙警報網頁 上找到。. 以下為香港律師行的名單:-. 在 ...

    讀Law後 可以做香港的企業法律顧問嗎 (in house legal counsel)?

    真正意義上的企業法律顧問,掌管企業的法律部門。叫得Counsel (律師), 必須是執業律師。一般來說最少2年PQE (PQE即執業後)。 如果Senior counsel更通常7-9 PQE。 對經驗普遍有嚴格要求: MNC 與 FI (金融機構)普遍要求candidate於國際大行有Corporate Finance執業經驗。

    加入我們 | Sun Lawyers LLP

    8 years' PQE or more. Solid experience in civil litigation, preferably with experience in commercial and matrimonial practices. Experience in leading a litigation team is an advantage. Excellent command of spoken and written English is essential. Proficiency in Putonghua is required. Capable to work independently and good interpersonal skills.

    如何成為正式律師?|法律百科 Legispedia

    成為一名正式律師需要經過兩階段,首先是修習應備學分、通過國家考試,再來就是完成職前訓練。. 通過這兩個階段,才能成為正式律師 [1] 。. (見圖1). 成為律師的第一步就是要先修習應備的學分 [2] 。. 因為律師考試並未硬性規定只有法律相關科系的學生 ...