德国顶级厨具POGGENPOHL申请破产 - 世界高级品 LuxuryWatcher

    2025-02-10 14:33

    poggenpohl在创新设计、品质保证、个性化体现等方面建立了崇高的威望,并不断进行技术革新,制定行业标准。 而POGGENPOHL的倒闭无疑对德国,甚至是全球的厨具设计领域来讲是一大损失,因此POGGENPOHL临时破产管理人Manuel Sack,也开始积极寻找新的投资者,重启 ...


    德國頂級廚具POGGENPOHL申請破產 - 世界高級品 LuxuryWatcher

    且由於poggenpohl正處於公司內部重組階段,不符合德國聯邦政府的資金援助計劃資格,最終還是宣布破產。 POGGENPOHL創立於1892年,其在這百年間不斷創新廚房空間規劃設計、儲藏空間設計、安全材質研發等,屢屢領導世界廚具風潮。

    Luxury Kitchens Made in Germany - Poggenpohl

    Design meets architecture, craftmanship meets perfection, beauty meets reality. As the leading brand for luxury kitchens made in Germany and inventor of the modern kitchen, Poggenpohl indelibly combines architectural concepts and design principles with trendsetting product offerings, outstanding craftsmanship, and technical precisio….

    德最老牌櫥櫃商意外落入中資手中 | 疫情 | 中資收購 | 破產 | 大紀元

    正體 简体. 【大紀元2020年07月15日訊】(大紀元記者余平德國報導)德國最老牌豪華櫥櫃商Poggenpoh被中企收購,此事出人意料,這家公司上個月還 ...


    1892年,Friedemir Poggenpohl 便開始致力於"讓廚房變的更美好"。 自此,便遊走在設計潮流的最前端。 我們的設計與建築行葉頂尖核心力量的合作不僅僅駐足在廚房的櫥櫃設計上,而更多是在指引一條讓空間本身充實有趣的利用途徑。

    Pandemic blamed as Poggenpohl files for bankruptcy - kbbreview

    In addition, Poggenpohl had successfully strengthened its distribution network in Asia by setting up a joint venture for sales at the end of 2019. "As a result, the order books for the second half of the year are also well filled. As part of the insolvency proceedings, the aim will therefore be to continue the restructuring of Poggenpohl and ...

    POGGENPOHL廚房也是客廳! - 世界高級品 LuxuryWatcher

    POGGENPOHL廚房也是客廳!. 開放式廚房作為當今的趨勢,越來越多設計將廚房作為室內空間的首要考量,當廚房已不再只是在居家中陰暗的角落,廚房的設計也得以大大打破常規,在過去,也許一入家門,家中的主角是客廳而非廚房,但現在已經不是如此,而這 ...

    Poggenpohl deal finally complete - kbbreview

    Poggenpohl deal finally complete. by Andrew Davies 26 August, 2020. Poggenpohl finally has a new owner after months of speculation, shocks and last-gasp gazumps. The takeover of the Germany-based company, which claims to be the oldest kitchen brand in the world, has been completed by Jomoo Germany. A subsidiary of the Chinese Jomoo Group, it ...

    Poggenpohl - Wikipedia

    Freidemir Poggenpohl established Poggenpohl as a furniture company in 1892. He successfully introduced ergonomic work-top heights and storage innovations that improved kitchens. [1] In 1923, Poggenpohl introduced a free-standing commodious cupboard called The Ideal, which American cabinet manufacturer Kitchen Maid adopted.

    Luxusküchen-Hersteller Poggenpohl geht an chinesisches Unternehmen

    Der Verkauf des traditionsreichen Küchenherstellers an einen englischen Wettbewerber ist gescheitert. Stattdessen hat der chinesischer Hersteller Jomoo künftig das Sagen. Poggenpohl hatte im ...

    About | Luxury kitchens by Poggenpohl | Made in Germany

    From the very beginning when Friedemir Poggenpohl founded the family business in 1892, the aim was to "make the kitchen better". Over the course of 130 years, the former carpentry business has become the leading brand for luxurious kitchen architecture made in Germany. As the inventor of the modern kitchen, Poggenpohl combines architectural ...

    九牧集團收購德國百年頂級櫥櫃品牌 - 壹讀

    圖片來源:Poggenpohl官網. 德國豪華櫥櫃品牌Poggenpoh(博德寶)此前申請了破產,並於不久後開始尋找新的投資者。6月中旬,Poggenpohl一度接近出售給英國高端廚房家具製造商Lux Group,但是最終宣告失敗。

    Poggenpohl: Luxury German Kitchens - InteriorDude.com

    Poggenpohl is a pioneer and trailblazer in the field of opulent kitchen design. This prestigious German company, which has more than 125 years of expertise, has transformed the idea of kitchen living by continually producing cutting-edge products that balance utility, aesthetics, and craftsmanship. Poggenpohl has established a reputation for ...

    夢想廚房!POGGENPOHL幫你客製 - 世界高級品 LuxuryWatcher

    夢想廚房!. POGGENPOHL幫你客製. Jan 5, 2017 by 世界高級品. 自從中島廚房開始流行之後,在家中擁有一座中島,變成越來越多人夢想,中島可以是料理檯面、用餐桌面,甚至當做聊天吧台,中島的功能不僅讓居家空間更為活用,甚至是隱形節省了空間,許多廚房 ...

    豪华厨房 德国制造 - Poggenpohl

    Kitchen planning at Poggenpohl is an individual process that takes place in close cooperation with the customer. Individual wishes and architectural circumstances form the basis of every kitchen design. Based on this, we develop tailor-made designs which we refine in a planning exchange with our customers. The result is always a perfect and ...

    Poggenpohl - „Neue Horizonte" ohne CEO Dirk Lange

    Wiederum hat Poggenpohl einen Führungswechsel zu vermelden: CEO Dirk Lange ist ausgeschieden, die kommissarische Geschäftsführung übernimmt COO Xiaowei Lin vom chinesischen Investor Jomoo. Zugleich versicherte dieser bei einer globalen Mitarbeiterversammlung seine engagierte und uneingeschränkte Unterstützung bei der Weiterentwicklung des Herforder Unternehmens, sowohl von seiner Seite ...

    German 'luxury' kitchen brand to launch new flagship store ... - Bdaily

    A German kitchen brand is set to launch its latest UK store in the heart of London's Chelsea. Property specialist Sloane Stanley has announced the signing of kitchen brand Poggenpohl for its new flagship store at 265-267 Fulham Road. Comprising 2,458 sq ft across three floors, Poggenpohl's upsized Fulham Road store aims to immerse visitors ...

    Poggenpohl|標籤 Tag - 世界高級品 LuxuryWatcher

    德國頂級廚具poggenpohl申請破產. 由於新冠狀病毒在全世界大流行,各個行業的訂單和銷售量都大幅下降,許多公司都以停工、裁員、減少支出等方式來減緩資金壓力,但還是有許多公司頂不住壓力宣布倒閉。

    Kitchen Architecture | Luxury kitchens by Poggenpohl | Made in Germany

    Kitchen Architecture. People are the focus when Poggenpohl's designers develop customised solutions for customers individual ideas and their living spaces in the company's own studios or at specialised shops. Each kitchen becomes a unique work of contemporary design made to perfectly complement the surrounding architecture. Functionality and ...

    Luxusküchen-Hersteller geht an chinesisches Unternehmen - Handelsblatt

    Luxusküchen-Hersteller Poggenpohl geht an chinesisches Unternehmen. Der Verkauf des traditionsreichen Küchenherstellers an einen englischen Wettbewerber ist gescheitert. Stattdessen hat der ...

    Poggenpohl Opens Flagship SoHo NY Studio - PR Newswire

    Poggenpohl Soho is located at 138 Greene Street (between W Houston and Prince Streets) and is open to consumers and design professionals from Monday through Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm, and by ...

    Project overview | Luxury kitchens by Poggenpohl | Made in Germany

    With more than 130 years of experience, the company designs, builds and supplies high-quality kitchen for demanding properties - from exclusive residential complexes to high-volume housing projects. Poggenpohl exclusively manufactures at its facility in Herford over an area of 47,000 square metres and has the logistical expertise for complex ...

    Showrooms | Luxury Kitchen by Poggenpohl | Made in Germany

    As the leading brand for luxury kitchens made in Germany and inventor of the modern kitchen, Poggenpohl combines landmark design with technical precis.