媒体中心-最新荣誉-安杰世泽荣获 In-House Community 2022 ...

    2025-02-02 03:48

    近日,知名法律机构In-House Community(简称"IHC")公布"2022年度律师事务所"(Firms of the Year, 2022)评选结果。. 安杰世泽律师事务所再续佳绩,荣获年度" 反垄断/竞争法 "、" 银行金融 "、" 合规监管 "、" 劳动法 "、" 知识产权 "等五项业务 ...

    媒体中心-最新荣誉-安杰世泽荣获 In-House Community 2022 ...

    原来,香港in-house律师薪资这么高!|律师|招聘|法务|薪资 ...

    香港in-house 律师薪资. 从另一方面来看,高薪资背后意味着很多机会。 就目前来看,已经有不少内地和东南亚企业到香港,预计这个趋势也会继续,香港依旧是很重要窗口。 那么,除了inhouse律师,普通律师怎么获得发展机遇? 值得我们探索。 如果你对香港感兴趣,且扫码入群,让我们一起探讨如何抓住香港这个机会。 进群即可获得Taylor Root亚太区inhouse律师薪资报告。 如果你对争议解决和国际仲裁,或是婚姻家事与跨境财富管理感兴趣,也可以扫描海报中二维码,进行了解。 特别声明:本文为网易自媒体平台"网易号"作者上传并发布,仅代表该作者观点。 网易仅提供信息发布平台。 前红圈所律师博主@笑面土狼现在也在做in-house又到一年一度春招季。

    In-house律师 PK 私人开业律师:薪酬、地位、工作内容等

    2017-10-07 12:00. "In-house"一词在Webster's Dictionary中是这样解释的:"using anorganization's own staff rather than someone from outside"。 通俗点说,In- house就是"用自己人"。 与In-house律师对应的就是律师事务所里面的执业律师。 一般来讲,In-house律师包括公司法律顾问、政府律师、非营利机构的法律顾问。 本文的内容将涉及公司法律顾问的求职、工作、收入等问题。 中国的律师业仍处于起步阶段。 同西方国家相比,中国的律师数量在人口中的比例是很低的。 中国的In-house律师数量就更少了。

    君合获评In-House Community 12项大奖

    近日,知名法律机构In-House Community(企业法务联盟,简称"IHC")公布"2022年度律师事务所"(Firms of the Year, 2022)评选结果,君合荣获下附12项大奖: 1. 2022年度中国反垄断/竞争法律师事务所. 2. 2022年度中国银行金融律师事务所. 3. 2022年度中国资本市场律师事务所. 4. 2022年度中国公司并购律师事务所. 5. 2022年度中国劳动与就业律师事务所. 6. 2022年度中国能源与自然资源律师事务所. 7. 2022年度中国诉讼和争议解决律师事务所. 8. 2022年度中国项目和项目融资律师事务所. 9. 2022年度中国房地产和建筑工程律师事务所. 10. 2022年度中国破产重组律师事务所.

    君合合伙人王昭林入选In-House Community"2022-2023年度 ...

    2023年11月23日,国际知名法律机构In-House Community(以下简称"IHC")揭晓"年度法律顾问大奖"(In-House Community's Counsel of the Year Awards)结果,君合合伙人 王昭林 获评"2022-2023年度值得推荐外部法务"(In-House Community's Commended External Counsel of the Year, 2022-23)。 本次由IHC举办的"年度法律顾问大奖"评选面向亚洲及中东地区两万多位法务及业内专业人士,调研结果完全基于受访者的直接投票及推荐,以表彰法律界杰出的企业及外部法务。

    Outstanding in-house counsels' skills for being top - Law.asia

    In this article, we will cover the chief skills required to succeed as an in-house counsel as compared to a lawyer at a law firm, both the common ground and the differences, in hopes that they provide insights for newcomers to the profession. SHARED SKILLSETS. 1.Excellent legal expertise

    In-house Counsel Awards 2024| China | Law.asia

    The winning in-house counsel and teams ‒ recommended in our survey by partners of law firms, corporate executives, fellow in-house counsel and various other members of the legal market in China and beyond ‒ are recognised for their significant recent accomplishments, stellar expertise in their respective fields, and contributions to the ...

    The Rise Of The In-House Legal Counsel Role In China

    The Emergence of In-House Legal Counsel. Traditionally, Chinese companies have not viewed in-house lawyers as integral to business strategy. However, this view has changed as domestic companies conduct more cross-border deals and adapt to extra-territorial laws and regulations.

    君合荣获 In-House Community 三项大奖

    近日,知名法律机构In-House Community(企业法务联盟,简称"IHC")公布"2023年度律师事务所"(Firms of the Year 2023)评选结果,君合荣获以下3项大奖。 1. 2023年度中国响应力律师事务所. 2. 2023年度中国能源与自然资源律师事务所. 3. 2023年度中国破产重组律师事务所. 此次再度荣获"年度中国响应力律师事务所"这一奖项,既是媒体对君合过往一年表现的莫大肯定,也是对其积极践行"客户至上"理念的极大认可。 三十五年风雨兼程,君合走下的每一步坚实脚印都源自对专业化、综合性高端法律服务的执着追求,同时也离不开对客户需求的积极响应。

    汉坤高超律师荣膺In-House Community 年度值得推荐外部 ...

    汉坤合伙人高超律师荣获In-HouseCommunity"2022-2023年度值得推荐外部法律顾问"奖项。 高律师拥有近二十年的丰富执业经验,主要执业领域包括兼并收购、私募基金设立等,是众多知名机构投资人和产业投资人聘用的中国法律顾问。

    【法律职业选择—做律师还是法务?】 - 知乎

    很多法律人可能会纠结该走律师这条路还是去甲方做in-house法务呢? 这期视频邀请了阿里巴巴大厂法务,某外企法务和金融公司法务 ,和大家分享他们作为"过来人"的经验体会,揭㊙️律师和法务的区别!

    PDF 律商实践指引 In-house Legal

    律商实践指引 —In-house Legal. 中国智慧,成就全能型中国 企业法律顾问. 包含超过300份 双语合同范本与注释,由知名的国际及中国律师事务所的资深律师撰写、翻译和审校, 并将每年定期进行更新和增加。. 涵盖多个与公司、商业和贸易有关的法律领域 ...

    International In-House Counsel Journal

    The International In-house Counsel Journal is concerned with the exchange of ideas of In-house Counsel representing commercial organisations from all sectors and jurisdictions around the world. Each quarterly issue contains papers based on case study experience of In-house Counsel in the main disciplines of commercial law from different ...

    什么是 in house lawyer_百度知道

    in house lawyer不应该译成"法律顾问"。在美国,一般公司的法律顾问都是聘外面律师,全是兼职的,即平时他们都有自己的业务,公司有事了才去找他们。公司每月付一定的费用,有大事了另外加付。而in house lawyer是指公司自己常备的,自己发全职薪水的

    什么是In-house律师? - 搜狗问问

    我们律师所的主任说过,一般情况律师最主要最稳当的收入就是IN -HOUSE。 也就从事固定公司比如银行,保险,房地产公司的法律顾问,在他们有需要时候出庭辩护,或者为他们提供合同稿件等等。

    in house是什么意思?_百度知道

    In house是一个常见的商业术语,指内部团队在公司内部开展某项活动或就某一方面的需求解决。 一般而言,商业公司通常会选用in house来执行诸如市场推广、软件开发和财务管理等非核心业务的项目,而将核心业务外包给专业机构。

    in-house lawyer - 英中 - Linguee词典

    在勞審處,可 以聘用自己所謂的法律顧問,即in-house lawyer,很多其實是具有律師 資格的代表,他們熟悉法律。

    The In-House Lawyer

    Established in 1992, The In-House Lawyer is the magazine of choice of the in-house counsel of the UK and EMEA. Relied upon and trusted by heads of legal departments, company secretaries and managing directors of FTSE 250 companies for providing authoritative and independent editorial content, The In-House Lawyer boasts the largest and most ...

    IN-HOUSE LAWYER 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Online ...

    In-house work or activities are done by employees of an organization or company, rather than by workers outside the organization or company. In-house is also an adverb . 在词典中探索'in-house'

    in-house counsel - 英中 - Linguee词典

    (b) 如認為有需要及適當,委員會可聘用 並非由眾議院 聘請 的律師。

    龙口市成功举办"红心物业"大讲堂 物业动态 烟台物业大观察

    龙口市成功举办"红心物业"大讲堂. 为提高物业管理服务从业者工作本领,规范物业行业运行,提升群众幸福指数和满意度,6月28日,龙口市物业行业党委组织各镇街物业管理分管领导、具体工作人员以及社区负责人、小区业委会主任、物业企业负责人等260余 ...

    "Freaking the f*** out": Turmoil in the White House over Biden - Axios

    To act like it's business as usual is delusional." Another official put it more bluntly: "Everyone is freaking the f*** out." "The uncertainty after Thursday is palpable and anxiety is only increasing," a third White House official told Axios. "People are looking for leadership and direction that they were told to trust, and hoped was there ...


    通俗点说,In-house就是"用自己人"。与In-house律师对应的就是律师事务所里面的执业律师。一般来讲,In- house律师包括公司法律顾问、政府律师、非营利机构的法律顾问。本文的内容将涉及公司法律顾问的求职、工作、收入等问题。

    香港上环商厦1.8亿成交 买家为本地投资者-房产频道-和讯网

    地处港铁上环站附近的核心商业区,现有租户包括医疗诊所和律师事务所,每月租金收入约70万港元。 据悉,买家为本地投资者,计划长期收租。 原业主罗氏地产于2008年以1.68亿港元购入,2016年完成物业翻新,持货16年后转手,获利约1,200万港元,物业升值约7%。

    Remarks by President - The White House

    Remarks by President. Biden on the Supreme Court's Immunity. Ruling. 7:45 P.M. EDT. THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. The presidency is the most powerful office in the world. It's an office that ...

    Biden's mental fitness could have been better covered leading up to the ...

    President Joe Biden's White House repeatedly and aggressively shot down reports on the president's age and any possible limitations on his ability to perform all the duties of his office. But ...

    Democratic governors seek meeting with White House after poor ... - CNN

    Some Democratic governors are seeking a meeting with the White House to discuss their concerns about President Joe Biden in the aftermath of his poor debate performance, multiple sources with ...