會計入數問題, 請幫忙 - 自由講場 - Baby Kingdom - 親子王國 香港 討論區

    2024-12-04 02:11

    都係睇返個別公司想點入.. account names 可以好 flexible. e.g. 有 d 公司經常要返大陸 ge, maybe 會 count 入 local traffic or overseas travel.. 或直接開多個 China Travel. 我公司會將大陸同HK ge 車費入去 Traveling ( 唔會註明 local ), HK & China 以外 ge 入 Overseas Travelling.

    local travelling 會計

    國外出差當地開銷 - 誠樸會計師事務所

    如同機票,國外出差時在當地發生的種種開銷,也屬於差旅費,所以也要填寫「 差旅報告單 」,說明每天去哪裡、見什麼人、談什麼事,以證明不是公款旅遊。. 但憑證方面,台灣國稅局怎麼檢查世界各國的各種語言、各種格式文件呢?. 為了解決這個問題 ...

    Travelling Expenses Meaning, Examples and Journal Entries

    Cash outflow means the operating expenses of the travel agency like rent, salaries, telephone expenses, administrative expense, financial and legal expenses, selling and distribution expenses etc. We have a lot of experience in providing the best accounting and bookkeeping services to the travel and tourism industry.

    Travelling Expenses - Meaning, Examples and Journal Entries

    Travelling expenses is a Nominal Account that flows into the Profit and Loss A/c. As this GL is an expenditure Account, the appropriate accounting treatment is to debit this GL Account in the Journal Entry. Let's see what's the corresponding Credit. Credit is for the Liability Account. Here Liability Account is named Cab Charges Payable ...

    【會計處理】員工旅遊 | 財會諮詢 - 中小企業財會諮詢服務網

    A:1.可列代收款-員工自付. 2.可列暫付款,後續取具憑證後再轉列費用科目. 3.員工個人開銷,若非公司實施旅遊之補助範圍,則無法列支為公司費用. (針對上述諮詢問題,係由經濟部中小及新創企業署「強化中小企業財務能力計畫」(113年度委託執行單位:中華民國 ...

    GovHK: Holiday Journey Benefits - 香港政府一站通

    A "holiday journey" is defined as either "a journey taken for holiday purposes" or "where a journey is taken for holiday and other purposes, the part of the journey taken for holiday purposes". This includes school passage allowances and related benefits (baggage and travelling expenses) and long service travel awards.


    旅行業會計--辦理國內外旅行團代收轉付範圍及支出憑證如何認定. 主旨:核釋旅行業者辦理國外及大陸旅行團有關代收轉付範圍及支出憑證認定事宜。. 二、 旅行業者辦理國外及大陸旅行團收取之團費,應按扣除代收轉付價款後之差額,於回國後十日內逐團估算 ...

    國外出差旅費列報應注意事項 - 宏吉記帳士事務所

    國外出差旅費列報應注意事項. / 會計帳務處理 / 作者: 宏吉編輯. 1.應以洽公或拜訪相關業務之客戶為由,方可申報(如為私人旅遊不能申報)。. 2.購買國外機票時,應向旅行社取得代收轉付單據。. 3.需詳附一切明細(如機票存根聯、登機證、住宿旅館收據 ...

    【會計處理】旅行業 | 財會諮詢 - 中小企業財會諮詢服務網

    榮譽會計師. A:1. 旅行業開立的【代收轉付收據】是了解旅行業會計處理的關鍵,凡屬於稅法規定的【代收轉付事項】採電腦處理中應該專設一個彙總科目或者有專屬部門的性質,該項目其實具有【預付款項】的混合帳戶性質,對其中各項支出均應該依照旅行團 ...

    【會計處理】國外出差費用認列 | 財會諮詢 - 中小企業財會諮詢服務網

    黃鋒榮. 榮譽會計師. A:1.國外出差膳宿雜費比照國外出差旅費報支要點所定,依中央政府各機關派赴國外各地區出差人員生活費日支數額表之日支數額認定之。. 但公司訂有宿費檢據核實報銷辦法者,宿費部分准予核實認定外,其膳雜費按上述標準之五成列支 ...

    國際線機票 - 誠樸會計師事務所

    Yes No. 國際線機票費用屬於差旅費,需填寫「差旅報告單」,說明每天去哪裡、見什麼人、談什麼事,以證明不是公款旅遊。. 另外,還需檢附以下三個文件,以證明其真實性:.

    國內外出差旅費如何報支?有哪些費用可以報支?出差旅費報支要點懶人包 - Commeet 智能費用管理系統 | 擁樂數據服務

    申請出差旅費報支三大注意事項. (Photo Source:Shutterstock). 1. 差旅應以洽公或拜訪相關業務之客戶為由才可申請報支。. 2. 在填寫出差報告書時,須以敘述式詳列每日前往地點、訪洽對象等人、事、時、地、物細項。. 3. 出差報告單須詳附一切明細,例如住宿 ...

    國外旅費的合法憑證 - 創嶼會計師事務所

    希望經過創嶼的解釋,大家有更了解國外差旅費的報支規定唷,如果想要找創嶼協助您的帳務、稅務,歡迎寄信([email protected])或來電(02-2911-2700)與我們聯繫唷~. 公司的相關費用要取得發票、收據等憑證,且要註明統編、公司名稱等,大家應該都非常 ...


    後來偶然在書局看見祐誠會計事務所總經理楊勝彬所撰寫的「旅行業會計及租稅實務」,茅塞頓開之餘也立即致電相約會面請益。 由於楊勝彬不僅具備會計相關知識,更曾在多家旅行社服務,在其的輔導下,成功讓自身企業建立起完整的財會與內部控管流程,也 ...


    2.跟工作花費有關的字有2個,是cost與expense。. Cost是「成本」,expense來自動詞expend「花費」,作為名詞就是「費用」。. 3.Comply是符合規範,compliant是形容詞,non-表示否定,加在一起就成為「不符合規定的」,代表報銷不會過。. 「出差費用報銷」是職場上常見且 ...

    PDF 旅行社之會計及財務

    旅行社之會計及財務 (鳳凰、東南、皇家國際運通) 指導老師:周國華 老師 曾婌珍主任 科系級別:會計系四年級 組 員:97404013 陳怡婷 97404018 蘇琬晴 97404020 高菀蓮 97404050 吳俞賢

    How to travel locally: a full guide to local tourism - Extra Mile Project

    Support the community by staying at locally-owned accommodations and eating at local restaurants. 2. Do what you can to minimize your carbon footprint. This is so much easier when you travel locally. For instance, you could bring eco-friendly travel items or choose low-impact forms of transportation. 3.

    5 things to know ahead of Anthrocon 2024 | TribLIVE.com

    The countdown is on: the annual furry convention in Pittsburgh, Anthrocon, is just days away. Every summer, anthropomorphics, otherwise known as furries — people dressed as human-like animal ...

    25 New York City Travel Tips From a LOCAL (NYC Do's & Don'ts)

    Additionally, because NYC traffic is so bad, you can usually get to your destination faster by walking or taking the subway. NYC Travel tip: Besides the Google Maps app, you can also use Citymapper for the subway, which I find to be more helpful. 3. See Times Square, but Don't eat in Times Square.

    旅行業 - 誠樸會計師事務所

    營業項目限專業經營:只能登記「J902011旅行業」一個營業項目,也不能加上「ZZ99999除許可業務外,得經營法令非禁止或限制之業務」. 登記地址:應符合土地使用分區、建築管理規定。. 如果共同使用者,應有明顯之區隔。. 負責人不得兼任同一旅行業或他旅行 ...


    4 Local Government Management Guide Travel and Conference Expense Management Federal Lodging, Meal and Mileage Rates An effective and easy way to ensure that travel and conference expenses stay within reasonable limits is to adopt the federal lodging, meal and mileage guidelines as your general maximum

    JFK Airport Is Changing Where Lyft and Uber Pick Up Passengers - Thrillist

    In an effort to reduce traffic congestion during busy, peak-of-summer travel times, rideshare pickups (Uber and Lyft) for arriving passengers at JFK Airport's Terminal 4 have been relocated to a ...

    This River Cruise Is Now Offering an Eight-Day Trip Along the Hudson ...

    The Cutest Way to Visit Upstate New York This Summer Is on a Hudson River Cruise Board this luxe vessel for stunning views of nature, historic tours, and shopping in quaint upstate towns.

    34 Best Things to Do in NYC | U.S. News Travel

    At more than 125,000 square feet, the three-level observatory is located on the 100th, 101st and 102nd floors of this office skyscraper. Travelers enjoy the panoramic, 360-degree views, up to 45 ...

    July Fourth travel: Best and worst times to leave D.C. - Axios

    More than 1.8 million Washington-area folks are expected to travel this Fourth of July week, according to AAA. The big picture: There are some dos and don'ts to avoid headaches during the holiday travel frenzy when nearly 71 million Americans are expected to hit the roads or skies. Reagan National Airport and Dulles International Airport travelers can reserve parking spaces online, and you ...

    Planning on traveling for the Fourth of July? Here's how to avoid the ...

    If you're traveling by car for the Fourth of July, it's best to hit the road in the morning, according to transportation data and insights provider INRIX. Peak traffic congestion varies by location, INRIX data published by AAA shows, but the worst times to drive on, or leading up to, the holiday are generally between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m ...

    【會計處理】關於國外差旅期間,wifi機使用費確認 | 財會諮詢 - 中小企業財會諮詢服務網

    故如因出差在國外之旅費支出,應依照上開規定辦理,至有關wifi機使用費,可列於旅費中之雜費. (針對上述諮詢問題,係由經濟部中小及新創企業署「強化中小企業財務能力計畫」(113年度委託執行單位:中華民國全國創新創業總會)之榮譽會計師本著自身財會 ...

    Travel influencers detail moments they encounter Hurricane Beryl's path ...

    " For every beautiful destination and every beautiful sunset, there's a cost for it," Emily Crew and her husband Cole said after they ran into strong winds while on a 9,000-mile nautical journey ...

    Deer Park crash: Car slams into nail salon on Grand Boulevard - NBC New ...

    Four people were killed and nine others were injured after a minivan plowed through a nail salon in a strip mall on Long Island, according to officials. The crash occurred shortly before 5 p.m ...

    July 4 travel numbers expected to exceed 2023 - Courier-Journal

    According to the AAA Independence Day Forecast, 3.2 million are expected to travel by car, 162,000 are expected to travel by plane and 169,000 are expected to travel by other method of ...